Seili – 360Tour.Fi from A1 Media on Vimeo.
The long presence of humans has haft clear effect on the landscape of the island. The first fields were cleared in the Middle Ages and grazing animals have altered the surroundings. Because of agriculture and grazing, it is presumed that Seili was almost treeless in the 1600s–1900s.
Currently Seili’s natural environment consists of the lush and rich herb-rich forest in the southern parts, the open heritage landscape in the center and the rugged north dominated by coniferous trees. The rarest habitats on Seili are the large hazelnut bush herb-rich forests on the southern part and rocky grasslands in the center.

Most of the threatened and near-threatened species on Seili are old cultural heritage species. The species found on Seili include Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides), the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta), Peacock (Nymphalis io), the Northern Bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) and Daubenton’s Bat (Myotis daubentonii). A pair of ospreys nests on the island every year. The nest can be followed from still camera (HERE) by the Archipelago Research Institute, Centre for Environmental Research of the University of Turku.
Seili is involved in a range of biodiversity protection programs, including Natura 2000 and the Shore Conservation Program. Nowadays island’s heritage landscapes are being restored by mowing, prescribed burning and bringing cattle to graze.